Thursday, November 1, 2012

Blending Learning as a Service #5

Quality Assurance in Blended Learning

The blendkit reader started this session with some wonderful thought provoker:
How will you know whether your blended learning course is sound prior to teaching it? How will you know whether your teaching of the course was effective once it has concluded?

Simply carry other people along and MEASURE!

A definitive statement of what constitutes the best combination of online and face-to-face learning experiences is impossible. No such statement exists for the best combination of traditional practices much less for the newer world of blended learning. Singh & Reed (2001)

Blending Learning as a service has its soul in consistent improvement perpetually.

#Blendkit2012 noted on teaching effectiveness what we continually measure to improve

  • how well instructors organize courses
  • how well they know the course material
  • how clearly they communicate with students
  • how frequently they provide timely feedback
  • the instructor’s enthusiasm or disposition
From the definition of Customer Service portrayed in the beginning of this discussion, quality assurance in blended learning ought to be before, during and after the whole process. QA hence instructs us to learn ourselves from anyone and everyone we can find that has implemented what we are set to do. We are saved a lot of arduous revisions if this pattern is followed strictly.

#Blendkit2012 outline of Formative Feedback is one handy tool we should always get around with for quality assurance.

  • peer review and self-evaluation,
  • online suggestion box,
  • one-minute threads,
  • polling, and
  • focus groups.
In the just concluded conference, I have identified several people that could be of tremendous help as I offer and lead other college colleagues to start to embrace blended learning.


John Maxwell said, Leaders are either travel agents or tour guides. Leaders who are like travel agents send people to places they've never been themselves, while leaders who are like tour guides take their people to places they know well. Instead of saying, "Here's a map-I hope it's accurate," tour-guide leaders can say, "I've been here many times; I know the best way to get around; follow me." Starting with yourself equips you with the experience, confidence, integrity, and influence you need to be a tour-guide leader.

Blended Learning is simply a process of service and until your customers are satisfied with your offering, you don't stop examining and re-examining how you offer the learning experience.

Ending with this quote:
I do not know any innovation upon existing methods more radical and revolutionary than this. - Rev. Joseph H. Odell, D.D. (1910)


Maxwell, J. C. (2009) The Great Separator. Retrieved on Nov. 1, 2012 from
Holden, J (2008) Blended Learning: Instructional Media & Pedagogical Considerations
Singh, H. & Reed, C. (2001). A white paper: achieving success with blended learning. Centra Software. Retrieved June 26, 2011 from

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